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Given up on those New Year's Resolutions?

So, have you given up on your New Year's Resolutions already?! If so, you are not alone. According to fitness app Strava, many people give up on their New Year's Resolutions by 19th January, and Given up on those New Year's Resolutions?over 80% by mid-February!

So, why are so many giving up so quickly on goals that they truly desired? Significant and long-lasting changes in our lifestyle habits require a look at our whole lifestyle as factors, such as our thoughts and our behaviour patterns, as they have a huge impact in all areas of our health and wellness. We also need a clear idea of how our bodies work.

For instance, a very common New Year's Resolution is to lose weight. However, without a deeper understanding of how our bodies can actually inhibit our attempts to lose the unwanted pounds, we can be left feeling deflated and frustrated and give-up.

Similarly, many people embark on dry January with every intention to abstain from alcohol for one month, but a few weeks in (or less), they find that they are finding it harder than expected to resist the urge to drink. They often give up.

Gaining a deeper insight into mind-body connections, as well as embarking on a realistic programme can make the difference between really achieving your desired goals and putting them off for another year.

Don't put your health on the backburner. Get in touch today for more information on the making the lifestyle changes you desire and deserve! E-mail to find out more.

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